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The Product of War Collage Series - Personal Work


This series “The Product of War” captures a crucial view at current issues through the use of historical photos while also exploring the relationship between innocence and savagery in times of war. Through found images, I link recurring modern-day situations to incidents from the past that bear a substantial burden on our humanity and society. Each piece goes through the refining of digital and traditional editing, ultimately creating collage work communicating separate ideas focused on the same subject of impending doom and the anxiety of the end through war. The use of color is repeated through-out the series to produce the doomed and distraught atmosphere that may be encountered in times of war and death. By using red, I pursue to seize a sense of danger that war brings through brutality, while also seeking to contrast the intense red tones against a fool’s gold color symbolizing false power that war brings to those advocating such events. I use grey in my scenes to capture the lifeless, cold scenes that may be felt after the impact of war. Each image in this series is not a continuous narrative as much as a snapshot of distinct scenarios of innocence being ravished by times of war.