I was approached once again by We Set Sail to create the artwork for their second album entitled ANIMAL. I decided to team up with long time friend and photographer Dirk Steenkamp.
This is what we created.
"We Set Sail's songs consists of intricate arrangements made up of loud and soft instrumental textures. The aim was to reflect the contrasting aspects in the design as well as the connection with the title ANIMAL. Music is a universal language like that of the animal kingdom. It is all frequency based. Thus music/frequency is essentially a way of crossing boundaries between species. Simply submit to the frequencies in order to transcend into the spiritual realm where all men and beasts are equal".
The creative process involved phortographing a model in studio while she executes expressionistic poses and throwing powder paint.Afterwards I had to find images where I could start to identify animal shapes and the extratct them in such a way to not make it super obvious, but just enough for the viewer to notice there is something more to the image than just someone flinging powder paint into the air.