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Profile picture for user Oliver Bruce Crawford
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During many years of working with Hollywood director 'Paul McGuigan' Oliver learned how to embrace story telling and vision.

Creating stories to engage, spark emotions and conversation within an audience. Asking the hard questions and pushing the audience to think about the difficult issues in life they may not want to confront.

His main body of work is as a genre director, he is currently adapting his first feature film from the novel 'The Purgatory Hotel' as well as working on stand out music promos for various artists.

He currently has 2 short films doing the circuits with many selects and wins including but not exclusive to:

-Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival (OSCAR Qualifying) - Winning - Best Experimental Film & Best Cinematography

- Sydney Science Fiction Film Festival - Nominated - Best Director

- LGBTQ+ Toronto Film Festival - Winning - Best Performance

- British Horror Film Festival - Nominated - The British Horror Award

- British Urban Film Festival (BAFTA) Qualifying - Nominated - Festival Prize

- Calgary International Film Festival - Winning - Best Narrative Short

- Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival - Winning - Best Director