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Space Rabbit is a creative team lead by Kun-I Chang and Shih-Wen Lin.

About Kun-I Chang

Kun-I Chang, born in Taiwan, is a creative director based in New York. A moviegoer, toy collector, comic reader, and outdoors lover, he sky dives for idea inspiration and uses house cleaning for relaxation.

He is also an illustrator, designer and animator who is known for his quirky sensibility and cute style. His short films and art projects have received numerous nominations and awards including Promax/BDA Award, Bitfilm Festival FX MIX Award, San Diego Comic-Con Independent Film Award, and recognized by design magazines such as Stash and IDN. He has worked with agencies, networks, TV studios and created various projects for MTV, DirecTV, Lego, Super Bowl, COKE, Lifetime, NatGeo and TBS.

About Shih-Wen Lin

Shih-Wen Lin, also goes by Wendy, is a self-taught lifestyle photographer and clay artist based in New York. She is a fan of natural light and the natural look. A great portrait is being able to bring out the unique personality of each person. As an artist, she loves to create conceptual photography. For Lin, photography is not only a medium to capture moments, but also a powerful wand that tells stories and brings her imagination to life. She is also a moviegoer, toy collector, book reader, coffee drinker and peanut butter cookie eater. Her personal project won The Webby Award in the personal website/blog category in 2017.