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Legend of Solgard

We worked closely with King from the start to wireframe the site, and our lead designer and developers worked directly together to ensure we were considering all UI/UX principles and mapping the pages out to be easy to navigate, simple to use, and clearly displaying content requested by King. Once the wireframes were approved, our good friends at Villain got to work on the physical designs.

King’s needs were quite specific, whereby they wanted to be able to modify and add further characters as time went by, and to be able to create and edit the game guides and write a basic blog. As we had created a CMS for Royal Charm Slots which had received such positive feedback from their team already, we investigated expanding this further to be able to simply create content for Legend of Solgard, without unnecessary distractions and fields, and which could be locked directly to the site. Our developer went at it with gusto, and we created a fast and accomplished backend that made editing and updating the site simple.

The additional benefit of the Angular-built CMS was that its PWA nature created a site which ran as fast as an application. When accessing the character pages, for instance, instead of loading between each page and / or slow responses to load data when requested, the site loaded the initial ‘viewfinder’ data, and then cached the rest for as soon as you needed it. The User Experience was one of speed and functionality that created a high-quality high-end feel, helping promote the game and ensuring its relevance in the future too.

We created the site to sit fully on Google’s Firebase platform. This meant from both a development and operational perspective that the all-in-one solution of Hosting, NoSQL and Realtime Databases, and access to cloud functions under one umbrella ensured a quick and responsive website which, with Google’s extensive SDK, made development an unbridled joy.