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Game Show

Inspired by both the Cambridge Analytica and the Edward Snowden scandals of personal data being illegally mined and sold for nefarious political use, the song connects news audio (performed by CNN's Clarissa Ward, BBC's Nick Beake and the actor Rory Kinnear) with the sung perspective of a citizen who has lost control of what he or she is sharing. 

The accompanying animated video depicts a surveillance state through the concept of a dystopian game show, featuring players from both sides of US politics, social media kingpins, and other world leaders.

I was commissioned by Remote Control Agency and Tom Hickox to create an animated music video for Tom's latest release, 'Game Show.' Drawing from the inspiration behind the track, I set out to visually capture the essence of the lyrics. The concept was sparked by reimagining the iconic hammer scene from Pink Floyd's The Wall, but with CCTV cameras replacing the hammers. I aimed to blend various mixed-media elements, all within a predominantly black-and-white aesthetic, to evoke the mood and tone of the song.