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Social Media for Electrobeach Festival by circulateonline


Story: We are the digital creative agency for the biggest electronic music festival in France, Electrobeach Music Festival. Since October we’ve been responsible for all digital and social initiatives, in addition we’ve been working as a consultant on new business and partnerships for the festival.

Goal: One of the most important moments for any festival in the music industry is when they announce the lineup. The main objective for the announcement was to generate widespread buzz and make a huge impact on Electrobeach’s audience.

Services: Consulting / Planning / Strategy, Design, Social Media Management, Media buying

Results: For this specific campaign we partnered with Fun Radio in France to create a live announcement. Via social media we reached 8,928,448 people generating over +37M impressions.

Moreover, the Electrobeach announcement was one of the most popular subjects in France during the radio show and featured on Twitter Trend Topic for that region, with over +98,883 reactions on the various Electrobeach platforms.

As a result, many packages for the festival have sold out months in advance.