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Loneliest Girl in the World Lyric Video

Lyric video request for international pop single for COVID19 relief;

Red Hot Org, is a non-profit organization working to create awareness and provide support for organizations on the front lines of global health pandemics, epidemics and health crises. For more information on Red Hot, see below* or visit our page

The single, “Loneliest Girl in the World” by Bella Alubo is a charity single where all revenue is donated to the frontlines of the COVID19 epidemic. It’s the pop single of our time and it will provide opportunities of happiness, fun and reality while doing the vital work necessary to aid the front line.

Link to song -…

We are asking you to help us craft this vision and help millions of people not only in the US but across large affected areas in Nigeria, the birthplace of the principal artist.

Moodboard | Things bored, lonely girls do when home (mostly) alone during Quarantine

  • Cutting their own hair, listening to music, texting their exes, dancing alone, skin care routines, lounging around in different places at home, etc.
  • Fun, entertaining and very topical to your current climate