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what's the point?

With beaux's chirpy What’s The Point referencing moments spent outside last summer, Callum Lloyd-James's video bridges the gap between that spirit of freedom with the reality of life right now.

He frames a winning performance by the young singer-songwriter with a backdrop of vibrant and lively summer scenes on a wall of CRT televisions. And then the scenes bleed out of the screens and into the studio itself.

"The video posed an interesting challenge," says Lloyd-James. "beaux and the label wanted to combine the look of a plain studio with the screen installation behind him. I wanted to look at ways that we could reinvent that space and look at it in a different way as the video goes on.

"The whole EP was written about fleeting times spent outside this year, so I had the idea of inverting the look from the screens and projecting it across the walls of the studio. It felt like an apt metaphor for what we’d been discussing and it really takes the visual side of the film to the next level."