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Thud: Double Vision for Scout Comics


To fulfill a childhood dream of mine of getting a comic book published. 12 year old me would think I was so cool right now and wouldn't believe this is happening to us. This initially started as a personal project but then grew into something bigger. As the story progressed, Scout Comics was interested in putting the comic out. This was super helpful because I don't think I would've been ready to handle the shipping and logistics involved with this because I wanted to focus on the story.

This project is a dream come true. My first published comic series, Thud. I like to describe the story as having an Eastman and Laird's TMNT feel, with some more humor and nods to hip hop. The awesome folks at Scout Comics were the ones that believed in it enough to agree to publish the series. The first arc of this comic series is 8 issues with anywhere from 30-40 pages each. I did the writing, drawing, and lettering in each book with editorial work done by Andrea Molinari.