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Upgrade to Pro

Billed monthly
Unlimited applications
Creative profile
Prioritised chat support
Portfolio review
Multiple user accounts

Billed monthly

Unlimited applications
Creative profile
Chat support
Portfolio review

Billed annually

Unlimited applications
Creative profile
Chat support
Portfolio review

Free access

5 free applications /month
Creative profile
Email support

Frequently asked questions

How do I cancel my subscription?

Cancelling your subscription is easy. Simply email [email protected] with the subject line 'Cancel my subscription' ahead of your subscription renewal date and we will cancel your subscription within one working day.

What is your refund policy?

We will only fully refund a subscription if you have been charged for your plan but notified us via email prior to your subscription renewal date.

We will require email proof, such as forwarding a copy of your subscription cancellation email, sent and dated within the previous period.

Of course, if a duplicate subscription was made in error when you initially upgraded, we will happily rectify this for you. If you accidentally upgraded to the wrong payment plan, then new customers can downgrade within two working days of the initial subscription and receive a refund of the difference in the overpayment.

Does my subscription automatically renew?

Yes, all subscriptions are automatically recurring until you notify us otherwise of your request to cancel.