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Creative Commission supports We Direct Music Videos' mission for the music video pitching process "to be more respectful and transparent" and to minimise free work for creatives and therefore we ask that you only request full treatments from shortlisted applicants.

WDMV says: "The nature of music video production requires a certain degree of flexibility, so while every company will make their own decision as best suits their business model, these are suggested guidelines to make the process more respectful and efficient for everyone involved."

It suggests a "music video pitching process consisting of three phases that whittle down the pool of possible directors, so as to limit the number of directors committing time to write full treatments without compensation."

  1. Interest Phase
    (gauge interest, gather showreels, check out styles and experience) - no full treatment
  2. Concept Phase
    (reject unsuitable interested applicants and shortlist directors to invite concepts) - one page treatment
  3. Selection Phase
    (invite up to 5 shortlisted creatives to treatment pool) - full treatments

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